Tuesday, 20 November 2012
We continue our comprehensive but basic guide
to achieving the healthy, beautiful and bouncy hair of your dreams; Black hair
is difficult to handle, slow to grow, with a tendency to excessive dryness, and
easily susceptible to damage-sometimes irreversibly. There are techniques that
you need to combine with good products to achieve great-looking hair. Black hairdressing
has its own science, theory, and practice; and you would do well not to treat
it as you would Caucasian hair. You also need to know what are good and bad
hairdressing practices, because styling your hair in a certain way could lead
to breakage or damage.
LOYAL TO YOUR WINNING FORMULA: Do not experiment or allow your hair to be used
as a guinea pig. If you have a winning formula, stick with it. Why change just
for the sake of change, or because the new packaging is brighter or because the
girl on the new pack is prettier? You need to be sure about a product’s
performance and delivery before you alter the status quo. If you feel your
product is mediocre, still sick with it unless and until you have evidence that
he knew magic product you have discovered is as magical as it is suppose to be.
Some ladies will insist on trying some new thing because it has Beyonce on the
new package. They do not know that it is only a fantastic endorsement deal for
her, and nothing to do with how effective it is. It is the same way that people
think the possession of NAFDAC number by a product is evidence of its efficacy
rather the real meaning, which is that it is safe to use. So if ’AGOYIN
SHAMPOO’ works for you then stay with it, at least until you start to perceive
deterioration in the texture of your hair.
REALISTICALLY OBJECTIVE: This brings me to this important tip-you must know
when to stop! If you can be realistic with your requirements, you will be able
to recognize when you have crossed the rational line, before charlatans take
advantage of you. When you are not realistic, you will find yourself buying and
using all types of strange concoctions prepared by those, I call the ‘treatment
mixers’. They will mix just about any combination of things to justify
collection your money. Look objectively at all the factors that you ought to be
considering, such as your lifestyle, your diet, your genetic history, your hair
type, and of course, all those bad hairdressing practises you subjected your
hair to all these years you have been growing up and experimenting with
different fads. You will then realize that damaged inflicted over a period of
three years cannot be willed away, prayed away, wished away, or wiped off in
three weeks.
INFORMED: Do determine the characteristics of your scalp and especially your
hair. In fact, it is the logical place to start for any serious woman who
desires healthy, vibrant hair. Is your scalp dry or itchy and flaky? Is your
hair fine in texture? Is your scalp sensitive and your hair difficult to
straighten? You need to understand what you have, so that you can work with it
to achieve your dream hair. When does your hair thrive, and when does it have a
bad day? What things did you use on the hair that gave you a result that you
liked or did not like? How does your hair react and cope with chemical
applications? And which procedures would you rather avoid in your quest for
healthy hair? The more informed you are about the pros and cons of your hair,
the more information you can ultimately give to your stylist and the more
control you can exercise over the proceedings.
SELECTIVE WITH PRODUCTS: Use superior products only. Once you determine the
essential characteristics of your hair and scalp, stick to superior products
that are really suited to your specific needs. Remember that once you can get a
winning formula, you do not want to change it. So for best results, read the
labels before you buy. Or better still, get your professional stylist to
recommend products for you; avoid salons that are contract-tied because they
can only offer you products from a certain manufacturer. The product you need
may not be in the range offered by the manufacturer with whom your
salon/stylist has endorsements. From experience, good products exist in all
ranges but it takes an experiences professional who has had extensive contact
with a wide variety of products, to narrow the selection and give you the best
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Our comprehensive but basic guide to achieving
the healthy, beautiful and bouncy hair of your dreams; Black hair is difficult
to handle, slow to grow, with a tendency to excessive dryness, and easily
susceptible to damage-sometimes irreversibly. There are techniques that you
need to combine with good products to achieve great-looking hair. Black hairdressing
has its own science, theory, and practice; and you would do well not to treat
it as you would Caucasian hair. You also need to know what are good and bad
hairdressing practices, because styling your hair in a certain way could lead
to breakage or damage.
The only way to beautify black hair is not to
wait for the rot to set in; you must avoid damages so that you do not have to
go through the stress of trying to restore your damaged locks. If you follow
these hair rules, you will be living healthy hair. Your hair will be so much
better if you only can listen to it. Close your eye and feel the texture of
your hair, rubbing the strands of the hair between your fingers. If you are not
listening and feeling your hair, you cannot allow it to be its best. The secret
lies in continually conditioning the hair without respite, so that the hair’s
shock absorbers would have been prepared for any negative hairdressing
procedures. No specific generic products are mentioned, but some general terms
have been used such as cholesterol conditioner or peppermint shampoos that are
easy to identify.
This guide is simple and easy to use. These golden
rules are simple to understand. Learn them over and over so that they become
second nature to you.
BE REASONABLE: Once you can communicate your needs
and wants, do have reasonable expectations. You know, your hair comes with its
own DNA, its own hereditary and its own drama. Therefore, you must not expect
your hair to look as good as your friend’s, whose father and mother come from a
long line of people with gorgeous long thick locks. If you did not know it
before, then you better know it now-genes matter! There is no point expecting
luscioius locks when the entire family has no history of exciting hair on
anyone dead or alive. Do not expect the stylist to manufacture new follicles
from which hair will grow; do not expect any cream to add hair to the bald
hairline you inherited from daddy or mommy. That is your lot in life, and if
you want to avoid the bald hairline of your ancestors, I suggest stopping all
forms of chemical procedures early enough, especially before you hit the age of
40 years.
BE WEARY OF FANTASTIC CLAIMS: I know that sometimes
a bargain may give you good results. But from experience, this does not work
with hairdressing practice. You need to know that no cream can grow a single
hair for you, especially if all other enabling factors are absent. These include
good genes, good food, good products and a real understanding of the hair and
scalp. Avoid inferior products because they complicate life further; avoid
fantastic claims because they cannot be supported with science. Do not assume
that because your scalp is tingling after you applied a menthol-based cream,
then a strand of hair will just pop out of your scalp. Feel-good factors form a
great part of formulations for the skin and hair, so do not be fooled. The menthol
is meant to also make you feel good, and that is what makes you feel it is
working. You cannot seriously expect a conditioner worth three dollars to be
effective as that worth thirty dollars. A lot of research, time and effort go
into developing new products, and this is normally reflected in the price of
the product. Therefore, you go cheap at your own peril.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
In today’s article, I am going to let
you know those little things you do ignorantly thereby destroying your vaginal
Lack of Exercise: Are you one of those who believe exercise is just for weight loss? You are wrong. Exercise goes a long way to affect your sex life. Your man wants to have his woman fit and flexible in bed. The more weight you gain, the more difficult it becomes for your man to enjoy sex with you. Lack of exercise will make your vaginal muscles weak. The best exercise to improve sex is the Kegel squeeze, which basically strengthens your PELVIC muscles which holds up your vagina, uterus, anus, bladder and urethra. The stronger the muscles are, the more intense your orgasms will be. Try to stop urine flow when you pee. Hold the squeeze for five seconds, then release. You can also squeeze your pelvic area while cooking in the kitchen or right there in your office. Doing 50 to 100 Kegel squeezes a day will help keep those muscles in good shape. Don’t do Kegels constantly because it can lead to urinary tract and bladder infections.
Wrong Underwear: That particular underwear looks nice doesn’t mean it is good for you. Always go for cotton under wears. Avoid panties made from synthetic materials as they inhibit the circulation of air around the vaginal area, creating the damp, warm condition ideal for bacterial growth. Cotton is by far the best fabric to wear and if you enjoy wearing silky under wear save it for occasional rather than everyday use. In addition to this, avoid constant wearing of tight-fitting trousers, panty hose and girdles.
Poor Hygiene: I get
goose pimples whenever I hear women talk about going to bed sometimes without
having their bath. Some celebrities have even said it on national television.
Are deodorants and perfumes supposed to take the place of a good bath in a
woman’s life? How can a normal woman sleep
without a night bath? Some even sleep with their bras and panties. Girl, it is
not healthy. Smelling good outside doesn’t mean you are clean inside. Always
keep your genital area clean and dry.
Douching: Please
avoid those douching products in the market. They do you more harm than good.
They are one of the major causes of vaginal itching. Your vagina doesn’t
require cleansing other than normal bathing. Repetitive douching affects the
normal organisms in the vagina and can actually increase the risk of vaginal
infection. Douching won’t clear up a vaginal infection.
Scented and Harsh Soaps: Don’t
use scented or harsh soap such as those with deodorant and anti-bacterial
components. There are different ranges of feminine wash in the market. These
are soap-free and safer for you. Just get into your local drugstores and ask
for feminine wash like Sebamed, Femfresh, Summer’s Eve, and Beauty Formula.
These are affordable. I don’t know what you feel about the popular Lactacid in
the market; but I can tell you it is harsh for your vagina.
Also avoid scented tampons and sanitary
pads. Keep that can of body spray away from
your vaginal area. Avoid those feminine sprays; they will only lead to
irritation. Coloured toilet paper and bubble baths should also be avoided. Wipe
from front to back after using the toilet. This stops the spreading of faecal
bacteria to your vagina.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
WHITEN YOUR TEETH- You don’t have to spend N12,000 at
the dentists; get your hygienist to give you a full scale and polish, then
choose a decent kit off the internet or investing a Britesmile Teeth-Whitening
Pen, which you can use at home. The only catch? You must have a proper
consultation beforehand.
32 CUT DOWN ON ALCOHOL- Not only does drink have a
dehydrating effect on the body, but it dilates the capillaries, which leads to
a rosy flush on the face (not in a good way) and has a general inflammatory effect
on the body that encourages ageing.
the staff on department- store make up counters are professional makeup
artists. Seek one out and see what they can suggest for you. In addition, if
you do not like it, all you have to do is wipe it off, and try elsewhere.
34 DON’T DIET TOO STRENUOUSLY- Its a sod’s law, but if you
lose enough weight to make an appreciable different to the size of your stomach
and hips, the other place where the loss will really show is in your face. You don’t
want to end up looking gaunt – even the word is ageing.
35 PRACTICE RELAXATION- We all are super-busy these days,
which raises stress levels, which is ageing in itself. Relaxation is a habit
that can be learnt. Taking time, watching the clouds, practicing deep breathing
– will all help ease the lines of stress and worry that settle in through habit
and then become a permanent part of the landscape of our faces.
36 ZAP AWAY AGE SPOTS- Brown pigmentation marks on the face
or hands are a giveaway of ageing skin. Treatment with IPL (Intense Pulse
Light) or lasers helps disperse the pigment, leading to a smoother, more even
complexion. It’s neither that painful nor, in the scale of non-surgical
treatments, that expensive but you do need more than one treatment for best results.
37 EAT THE RIGHT SUPPLEMENTS – Not hyaluronic acid, although
that sounds logical; what works better is something that encourages the body to
produce more hyaluronic acid, which keeps the skin moisturizer from within. Try
Skin Radiance capsules.
colour, whether nude-y beige or cerise, will light up your face. Experiment at
makeup counters, and consult the Bobbi Brown Lipstick Wheel (at counters
nationwide) which tells you that if you are, for example, a ‘Tulle Brown’ sort
of girl, which other colours will also work for you.
39 EXFOLIATE – Not harshly, but with a muslin cloth wrung
out in hot water, preferably every night. That is enough to take the dead cells
off the surface, which makes your skin smoother, so it reflects light better,
which is what makes it look more radiant.
40 USE AN ANTIOXIDANT SERUM – Used after cleansing and
before your normal moisturizer as a kind of skin-booster treatment, these
contain vitamins that help to repair and protect the skin.
41 AND FINALLY, HAVE MORE SEX – Yes! Studies have found that
couples who make love frequently look more than 10 years younger than the
average adult who has sex less often. The current thinking is that the pleasure
derived from sex is a crucial factor in preserving youth.
Trust you enjoy every
detail!!!! Any question is welcome!
Friday, 12 October 2012
Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: International Day of the Girl Child:The terrifying...
Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: International Day of the Girl Child:The terrifying...: Disturbing: Faiz, 40 (left), and Ghulam (right), 11, sit in her home prior to their wedding in the rural Damarda Village, Afghanistan ...
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
-Do you want to be an independent self-achieving lady?
-Are you aspiring to become a professional
hairstylist, Head gear expert (Gele tieing) and a Makeup artist?
Then register
for this 3 in 1 package which commence by the end of October 2012.
Duration: 6weeks intensive training
Time: 10am-
3pm; Monday – Friday
Our experts will guide you through this intensive course which will give you the confidence for backstage work and photo shoots whilst incorporating the latest trends.
The course content includes everything from simple looks to advanced styling techniques used in todays fashion industry and high profile publications.
For more enquiries, please call: 08037818132, 08030622601, bb pin - 2A24A592
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Do you want to be an independent
self-achieving lady?
-Are you aspiring to become a professional hairstylist, Head gear expert (gele tieing) and a Makeup artist?
Then register for this 3 in 1 package
-Are you aspiring to become a professional hairstylist, Head gear expert (gele tieing) and a Makeup artist?
Then register for this 3 in 1 package
The workshop is in progress; stay glued and be informed.
Start booking for the next batch!
Call 08037818132,08030622601, bb
pin - 2A24A592
Friday, 28 September 2012
Remember, these Hair Beauty secrets are not to
be passed on to your friends!...Kidding!
. Hair
Beauty Secrets to make your hair smell aromatic is to prepare your own hair
perfume at home. Mix 6 tablespoons of powdered charcoal, 5 tablespoons of
powdered myrrh and 1 tablespoon of powdered benzoin together and sieve it
thoroughly. Add 2-3 drops of bergamot oil and 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil, 1
tablespoon of potassium nitrate and mucilage of tragacanth to the mixture until
it acquires the consistency of a stiff paste. Heat the mixture over a water
bath. Shape it into little cones and dry them. Whenever you wash your hair,
light one of the cones while your hair is still damp and let them soak the
smell of the cone.
. A
perfect way to get rid of dry, brittle, dull hair is to massage mayonnaise into
your hair thoroughly, starting from the roots to the hair ends. Then pile your
hair on top of your head and cover them fully with plastic food wrap. Wrap the
pre-heated towel around it and keep it on for 10 minutes. This will help in
deep-conditioning your hair. Now, replace the towel with another pre-heated
towel and leave it on for 10 minutes too. Now remove all the wraps and shampoo
your hair. This cholesterol treatment once a month for your hair is a boon that
will it soft and shiny.
. If
don’t have time to shampoo your oily hair daily, you can try this out. Pour some
comstarch into a dish and dip a clean, large blush brush into it. Brush your
scalp and hair roots thoroughly with the comstarch and leave it on for 10
minutes to soak off the oil. Then brush away the comstarch flakes, ridding your
hair with all that unwanted greasiness.
. Make
a mixture by adding ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 gallon of distilled
water and store it in the refrigerator. Once a fortnight, shampoo and rinse
your hair thoroughly and then pour 2 cups of the mixture over the scalp and let
it saturate the hair. Rinse your hair with cold water to get rid of all the
drab of hair styling products.
. A
possible cure for your impossible dandruff is vinegar. Massage it into your
scalp and leave it to dry for a few minutes. Wash the hair thoroughly and
repeat the process daily. Dandruff usually disappears within a few days.
. The
ancient Mayan women used avocados to keep their skin and hair healthy. Here is
their infallible hair mask that you can use too – Mix ½ ripe avocados, 1 tbsp.
olive oil, ½ small banana and 1 egg yolk together and massage it into your hair.
Cover it with a plastic wrap and leave it on for one hour. Rinse the mask with
warm water and then shampoo your hair thoroughly.

. Powder
your greasy hair by putting it a little at the root of your hair before
straying. For very oily hair, powder your hair heavily and keep it on for 15
minutes. Then wash the hair completely and condition lightly before making the
desired style.
. To
bleach your hair naturally or just lighten their colour, rub lemon juice on
them and wander out for a walk in natural sunlight.
Enjoy IT?....I BET!
Thursday, 27 September 2012
A journey to good hair, better health and great results
from the inside out!
Through almost everything in Life, we have been taught on necessary
actions to take to fix things on the outside… …well as a meta-physical
practitioner, I show people how to work on the inside to bring and manifest
every single thing they want in life on the outside.
If you have an understanding that everything is energy,
then you also know that power does not exist outside of us- but within us. So I
teach you the secret techniques and tools on how to harness that power to grow
your beautiful black afro hair longer, fuller and thicker than ever.
Rate of hair growth and retaining the growth achieved is
determined by other factors. One of which is to reduce the amount of hair
breakage you may experience/or are totally unaware of.
Black Afro Hair is very fragile and delicate, also prone to
dryness and breaks easily. So one of the best protective measures is to use a
silk/satin scarf, or hair bonnet to wrap hair at night before sleeping.
Okay, so using silk/satin
hair bonnets and scarf should not be the death of romance. You want to keep,
master and learn the art of romance while expressing yourself right? But at the
same time, you definitely want to keep ‘Sexy Suzy’ in the bedroom and keep ‘Grandma
Willow’ in the farthest future right?
So what do you do…?
You want to grow, retain
your black afro natural/relaxed hair longer, fuller and thicker without having
to look like athwart raggedy mess…
Use Silk/Satin Pillow cases
and bed sheets.
Yes-these work just as well
While the benefits of using
a silk/satin hair scarf and bonnet are.,
-to protect your
natural/relaxed black afro hair
-prevent it from snagging,
getting caught up and torn as a result of friction and rubbing off on hard
surfaces while you toss and turn at night.
-keep the ends tucked in and
contains the moisture levels of your hair over time.
According to Dermatologists,
they consider it an investment.,
-as it helps you to keep and
retain moisture
-Other fabrics and material
used for bed and pillow covers (non-silk) draw moisture away from you and age
your skin fast. They also leave unattractive lines on your face and skin over
-Silk contains amino acids
similar to those found in the moisturizers for our face and skin.
-So when you use silk pillow
cases and bed sheets, your skin and hair is not losing any essential moisture.
You must care for your hair,
give it the tender loving care and attention it so rightly deserves-your hair
is an extension and a part of you-so you deserve to be treated with such
If you really think about it
silk is gotten from mother nature- a derivative of the waste products of the
silk worm, honey is also gotten from nature, a derivative and waste product of
the bee.
So therefore- all you really
need, desire and want has already been given!
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Do you want to revamp your look? If yes, then
the easiest way to change your look would be to opt for hair colouring.
A new hair colouring can add a new
dimension to your personality, making you look more confident and impressive. However,
with the need to be in sync with the competition around, people are left with
little or no time to flock to the salon.
Nonetheless, when time or money doesn’t allow you the pampering of salon
colour, you’ll find that at home hair colouring preparations are both
affordable and easy to use.
Here are some handy tips that will
make your hair look healthier and glow with the desired colour and give you
salon-like results, along with quick and easy solutions to common problems
related with Hair Colouring Tips.
. Shampoo
your hair properly and then condition
them. Thereafter, wait for two days, to give the natural oils in your scalp
time to resurface. This is an essential step to protect the scalp from chemical
reactions and also would help your hair colour to set better, giving you uniformed
results overall.
. On
the day of hair colour, you need to first arrange the toolkit for the hair
colouring purpose. Put on an old t-shirt and collect some older towels and washcloths.
Get some hair clips for sectioning your hair, a handy timer and a hand mirror,
which will enable you to view the back of your head.
. Section
your hair so that you can handle your hair better, during the colouring
. Before
starting, make sure you read the instructions at least two times. Each of the
colouring brands follows a definite style or process, so if you don’t want to
do a blunder, ensure that you read the instruction. Also, do not forget the
strand test.
. Put
on the gloves and start the colouring process. If you are touching up the
roots, be sure that this is the area that you target. You shouldn’t be applying
the colour to the entire head as in the first application.
. For
those of you, who are colouring for the first time, start at the crown or at
the nape of the neck. This is because it is here that the natural hair colour
is the darkest.
. For
the ends, apply hair colour that is one level darker, without adding the
developer. The colour at the end of the hair tends to fade faster than the
rest, because the ends are porous and does not hold colour.
. Once
you have applied the colour, use timer to keep track of the time. Often while
reading a magazine, we completely forget to keep track of the time. So, a timer
would be beneficial in this case.
. After
the specific time is over, rinse your hair thoroughly. Rinse until the water
runs clear.
. Make
sure to condition your hair properly. After the colouring process, hair becomes
very vulnerable to damage.
. Always
colour your hair, when they are fully dry because colour of damp and wet hair
may get diluted later.
. If
your current hair colour is darker than the next shade chosen, use a colour
remover to completely loose the old tint. However, they are effective on only
artificial colours and not natural hair colour.
. For
gray hair, use a shade darker than the shade of colour used on the rest of the
. After
colouring your hair, do not perm or straightened for several weeks.
. If
you go out in the sun or swim regularly, your hair colour may wear off quickly.
To avoid this, condition your hair regularly to negate the effects of summer
heat and water.
. If
light-reddish blonde tones fade to orange colour, you can use a little red-gold
accent to give fashionable highlights.
16 TRY AN ANTI-AGEING CREAM – It doesn’t have to cost so much,
there are brilliant offerings on the high street from RoCs new Complete Lift
range, via Olay’s Regenerate, to Boots No 7’s famous Protect & Perfect
Intense serum.
17 GIVE UP SMOKING – Just in case you need another
reason to quit. It deprives the skin of oxygen, accelerates the process of skin
ageing by hastening the degradation of collagen, which means more wrinkles-
faster. Oh, and it’s not great for your health, either.
18 TAKE UP MEDICATION – Not the most obvious way, perhaps,
to roll back the years, but if you can learn to achieve the odd patch of focus
and stillness in your life, it will help. Getting into the habit of relaxing
your face as you concentrate on your breathing will ease the lines of tension
and worry that we all develop with years.
CASE – Slippery
fabric such as silk or satin drags less on the skin, so doesn’t pull it into
wrinkles, which sounds like an old wives’ tale but actually holds true. Hair
stylists recommend these, too, for longer-lasting blow-dries.
20 EAT MORE GOOD BACTERIA – If you have what nutritionists
call gut dysbiosis, or an unhealthy gut, this will be reflected in the
condition of your skin. Taking acidophilus, a probiotic supplement, every day
will enhance levels of good gut flora, which should soon result in
healthier-looking skin.
21 TAKE UP YOGA – It is soothing, de-stressing,
improves your posture, help loosen the knots of tension that we all accumulate
in our bodies and can be done anywhere. All you need is a space to unroll a
yoga mat. Also, yoga devotees always look remarkably youthful – and if you
can’t beat them, why not join in and see if it works its magic for you.
COLOUR – “Having a
few lighter strands around the face suits almost everyone and will take years
off your face,” says Susan Baldwin, creative colour consultant at John Frieda.
23 RELAX YOUR JAW – When your jaws relax, we have a
“freeway space” between our back teeth. Wearing a special fitted mouth guard,
the Oral lift, for a couple of hours, twice a week, gradually increases this
space, activating the facial muscles and, slowly subtly, gives a natural
facelift effect. It sounds unlikely, but the case-history pictures are
24 TAKE THE HERBAL ROUTE TO HEALTH – In the new book that leading to
naturopath Elizabeth Peyton-Jones is working on, the first chapter will be
called “Eat yourself young”. Until that is published, content yourself with her
wisdom as revealed in First Aid Kitchen Remedy.
25 HAVE YOUR EYEBROWS SHAPED – Having your eyebrows
professionally shaped- and possibly timed- is one of those minor beauty
revelations that makes you wonder how you ever got by without it before. A define
brow opens and lift the eye area in a way that’s little short of wondrous.
26 LEARN TO CURL YOUR EYELASHES – Give them a squeeze with an
eyelash curler, which look like a giant pair of nail scissors with a clamp on
the head, before you apply mascara and see how it opens up your eyes.
27 WEAR BLUSHER – Get blusher right- the right colour,
in the right place – and your face will look instantly fresher and livelier. The
easiest way to start is with a sheer gel blusher – simpler to use and to spread
thinly. Smile, pat onto the apples of your cheeks, and blend up and out from
there towards the hairline. And remember that less is more.
28 GET A GREAT HAIR CUT – Updating your hairstyle can be
enough to make you look years younger and a fringe hides a multitude of frown
lines. Cosmetics surgeons will often send would-be clients off for a makeover,
frequently, a haircut will give them enough confident to skip the scalpel.
HAPPY – You’ll feel
better and look better as a result, and in the same vein, try to smile a bit
more. Its nicer for everyone else and its tricks the body into changing its
mood. It also uses fewer muscles than frowning.
30 SPLASH OUT ON A LASER TREATMENT – Fine lines and age spots can both
be softened by treatment with fractional laser (the “fractional” bit means that
between each hole in the skin created by pinpoint laser beams, there remains a
fraction of whole skin that encourages faster healing).
Ebube Nwagbo is a beautiful actress
no doubt. She is one of the A-List actresses that have made Nollywood tick. She
recently explained her reasons for going into hair business.
”My going into Posh Hair was my love for looking good. I wanted
to invest into something I love. A woman is never complete without a good hair,
and at that time the craze for human hair just set in.
Every lady wanted to look good. But truth is it's
not everybody that can afford to buy them because they are quite expensive. So
I decided to do something for people out there that can't afford the luxury to
look like their celebrities. With Posh Hair, you can still get the celebrity
look without breaking a bank. Posh hair cuts across for everybody. We have got
varieties depending on your budget.
There's something for everybody. No matter who you
are, we have different products to suit different tastes and classes. Going
into posh hair was also because it is something that will help me to expand and
grow, because it was part of what I needed.’’
She also said that her acting career will not be forfeited for her new hair business; the reason is because she is a multifaceted person. ‘’I am not leaving any for the other. I juggle both. I am an actress as well as a producer and an entrepreneur. I am happy about that. It has not been easy, but hard work is very important in any success story.’’
She also said that her acting career will not be forfeited for her new hair business; the reason is because she is a multifaceted person. ‘’I am not leaving any for the other. I juggle both. I am an actress as well as a producer and an entrepreneur. I am happy about that. It has not been easy, but hard work is very important in any success story.’’
culled from!
Kate Henshaw-Nuttall is rocking the short hair style with all the grace and class that befits an
African woman and a role model, with a black silky skin tone to die for. The warm and beautiful star is also a model, a former Glo Ambassador, face of Onga (brand from Promasidor) and has since earned a whooping N20 million between 2008 and 2010.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Healthy hair and beautiful skin often
begins inside and radiates outward. A healthy diet is important which means
eating good food. Fruits and vegetables should be a larger part of your daily
diet. Fried food items should be reduced. Drink at least eight cups of water in
a day instead of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. Exercise is good
component of skin care. Regular exercise keeps the skin toned and makes you
feel good. Engage
in activities like biking, walking, jogging and swimming.
Using moisturizers should
be a must. Darker skin tends to appear ashy when it is not well lubricated. Creams
and lotions are applied after showering when is slightly damp. For the face, it
is best to use a separate moisturizer made specifically for your facial needs. A
facial cleanser should be used in the morning and at night to wash off
cosmetics and day grime. Dry skin tends to do better with non soapy cleansers
since soap can be even more drying.
Black hair needs
protection from the damaging rays of the sun, so does the skin. Make sure to
use Shea Butter for your hair and
sunscreen daily year round, to prevent hair breakage, wrinkles and skin cancer.
Weaving wide brimmed hats while going outside will shade the face from the sun.
Black skin is more prone to developing keloids as a result. Keloids are scar
tissue caused by trauma or surgical incisions. It is important to treat the
acne gently. Washing too vigorously and handling roughly will only make the
problem worse. You have to find a cleanser and moisturizer made specifically
for your skin’s need.
-Do you want to be an independent self-achieving lady?
-Are you aspiring to become a professional hairstylist, Head gear expert (gele tieing) and a Makeup artist?
Then register for this 3 in 1 package
-Are you aspiring to become a professional hairstylist, Head gear expert (gele tieing) and a Makeup artist?
Then register for this 3 in 1 package
The workshop is in progress; stay glued and be informed.
booking for the next batch!
Call 08070709887,08030622601
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