In today’s article, I am going to let
you know those little things you do ignorantly thereby destroying your vaginal
Lack of Exercise: Are
you one of those who believe exercise is just for weight loss? You are wrong.
Exercise goes a long way to affect your sex life. Your man wants to have his
woman fit and flexible in bed. The more weight you gain, the more difficult it
becomes for your man to enjoy sex with you. Lack of exercise will make your vaginal muscles weak. The best
exercise to improve sex is the Kegel
squeeze, which basically strengthens your PELVIC muscles which holds up
your vagina, uterus, anus, bladder and urethra. The stronger the muscles are,
the more intense your orgasms will be. Try to stop urine flow when you pee.
Hold the squeeze for five seconds, then release. You can also squeeze your
pelvic area while cooking in the kitchen or right there in your office. Doing
50 to 100 Kegel squeezes a day will help keep those muscles in good shape.
Don’t do Kegels constantly because it can lead to urinary tract and bladder
Wrong Underwear: That particular underwear looks nice
doesn’t mean it is good for you. Always go for cotton under wears. Avoid
panties made from synthetic materials as they inhibit the circulation of air
around the vaginal area, creating the damp, warm condition ideal for bacterial
growth. Cotton is by far the best fabric to wear and if you enjoy wearing silky
under wear save it for occasional rather than everyday use. In addition to
this, avoid constant wearing of tight-fitting trousers, panty hose and girdles.

Poor Hygiene: I get
goose pimples whenever I hear women talk about going to bed sometimes without
having their bath. Some celebrities have even said it on national television.
Are deodorants and perfumes supposed to take the place of a good bath in a
woman’s life? How can a normal woman sleep
without a night bath? Some even sleep with their bras and panties. Girl, it is
not healthy. Smelling good outside doesn’t mean you are clean inside. Always
keep your genital area clean and dry.
Douching: Please
avoid those douching products in the market. They do you more harm than good.
They are one of the major causes of vaginal itching. Your vagina doesn’t
require cleansing other than normal bathing. Repetitive douching affects the
normal organisms in the vagina and can actually increase the risk of vaginal
infection. Douching won’t clear up a vaginal infection.
Scented and Harsh Soaps: Don’t
use scented or harsh soap such as those with deodorant and anti-bacterial
components. There are different ranges of feminine wash in the market. These
are soap-free and safer for you. Just get into your local drugstores and ask
for feminine wash like Sebamed, Femfresh, Summer’s Eve, and Beauty Formula.
These are affordable. I don’t know what you feel about the popular Lactacid in
the market; but I can tell you it is harsh for your vagina.
Also avoid scented tampons and sanitary
pads. Keep that can of body spray away from
your vaginal area. Avoid those feminine sprays; they will only lead to
irritation. Coloured toilet paper and bubble baths should also be avoided. Wipe
from front to back after using the toilet. This stops the spreading of faecal
bacteria to your vagina.