
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Amazing Benefits Of Tangerine Fruit For Health

Tangerines are a specific variant of Mandarin oranges (Citrus Reticulate) which are reddish orange in colour. They belong to the family of Rutaceae and are cultivated mainly in the tropical forests of Southeast Asian provinces. Tangerine fruit trees are smaller in size as compared to orange trees and the fruit has a deep orange colour with a flat shape. It can be peeled easily and is a fibrous fruit nutrient-wise. Its juicy segments have hybrid varieties too like Tangelos, Tangors and Clementines. In the northern hemisphere, peak Tangerine season starts from October and lasts till April.  The fruit is known for its fresh and citrus taste with its low calorie and high nutrient content. The vitamin content in the fruit is the best in its class. Tangerines are also a rich source of vitamin C, folate and beta-carotene. The taste of Tangerine is stronger than orange, it is less sour and much sweeter.

Health Benefits Of Tangerine Fruits:

Rich Antioxidants Prevent Inflammation:
Oranges are naturally a great source of Vitamins for the human body. And so are the Tangerines, with their rich Vitamin C sources providing the perfect antioxidants required for the body. These antioxidants prevent inflammation in the body. They are known to prevent the formation of free radicals that make unnecessary oxidation reactions possible which may not be beneficial for the body.
Fights Skin Diseases & Arthritis: Tangerine fruit has been used quite frequently in medical treatments as they fight effectively against skin diseases and arthritis
Heals Cuts & Wounds: They help in healing minor cuts and wounds
Absorbs Iron from Food: They also help to absorb iron from food very easily.
Restricts Cholesterol Absorption: Tangerine consists of fibers like pectin and hemi-cellulose that restrict the absorption of cholesterol in the gut which cuts the risk of obesity.
Improves Digestion & Prevents Chronic Diseases: The dietary fiber in this fruit also improves digestion that is good for the overall working of the body. Also a number of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart diseases can be prevented with proper consumption of tangerines and other orange varieties.
High Fiber Content Eases Bowel Movements: The high fiber content also benefits the bowel movement in your body for which it is preferred and suggested by experts.

Cooking /eating tips

For a protein boost, tangerine is used in even fruit salad.
Tangerine juice can be used in noodles and pastas.
You can add the tangerine juice for a refreshing flavor, while baking your cupcake.
Tangerine juice can be used in chicken or fish recipes too.
Tangerines contain the following nutritional count: carbohydrates 26 grams, proteins 1.6 grams, fat 0.6 grams and minerals close to 455 milligrams. Thus Tangerine is a low saturated fat content type which is a good source for Vitamins and has a major portion of its calories coming from natural sugars. Tangerines can be consumed directly or via juices.  Its peel is used for aroma purposes too. Tangerine belongs to a special and rare class of fruits that can be eaten everyday due to its low calorie count and high vitamin content. 
So have you taken a Tangerine today?

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