
Saturday 8 November 2014

Natural hair and Still Drop Dead Gorgeous! The Real Truth about Beauty

The truth is, society has become obsessed with beauty and a lot of women are willing to do almost anything in pursuit of it. This truth makes it difficult to be a woman sometimes, but this doesn't mean that women have to live our by this truth, or that it should dictate how we feel about ourselves. The absolute truth is that beauty does come in all shapes and sizes. 
At some point in our lives, we women come to cross roads. We either accept ourselves the way that we were created or strive to be at our most healthy and beautiful version, or we spend our time and money pursuing the media'a ideal of beauty. The fact is that since it's impossible to remove ourselves from society's influence, either choice is hard. I believe, however, that if we choose to be our most beautiful and healthful selves within our own standards, we multimately find more peace here in time. 
Here are ds one tips for helping yourself know how beautiful you are. Accept the fact that it's hard for all of us and that how you feel is normal, and then do something about it. Most of us women feel at least okay about ourselves until we open pages of beauty magazine showing beautiful ladies. If media images of women bother you and make you feel inadequate, that's okay- now you know you're human. Avoid them and ficus your attention elsewhere.
Focus on and connect to the inner self - as cliché as that sounds, people who are so self-conscious creat a self-fulfilling prophecy. People don't like self-centered people. Take your focus off of how you look and focus it genuinely on the people around you - everyone will find you beautiful then. Lastly, spend your time dwelling on the great qualities you have and how they have fostered the growth of the great friendships and relationships you have. Every time you tell yourselves how much you hate your size, replace it with a thought about how your great sense of humour is so contagious. It may some time, but it works!

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