
Thursday 28 May 2015

Health Benefits of Basil Leaves

The leaves of this miraculous herb are considered as an herbal remedy for common ailments and boast of countless health benefits some of which are given below.

Healing Properties

Due to their excellent healing properties, basil leaves strengthen the stomach and facilitate copious perspiration. They are effective in removing catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Basil leaves have antiseptic properties and are hence, used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds. They help in reducing the pain caused by measles, chicken pox and small pox. A mixture of basil leaves juice and coconut oil can be applied on cuts and wounds to give relief.

Treatment of Fever

Being rich in phytonutrients and healing oil, basil leaves are effective in curing malarial and dengue fevers. Tender basil leaves boiled with tea should be given to the patient. In case of very high fever, basil leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in ½ liter of water mixed with sugar and milk should be given to the patient at an interval of 3 hours to bring down the temperatures. Basil leaves form good germicidal and a natural disinfectant that protects the body against all types of viral and bacterial infections.

Treatment of Common Cold and Cough

Basil leaves are effective in alleviating coughing and colds. Chewing fresh leaves or drinking a tea of dried basil leaves can calm coughing and relieve cold and flu. Basil leaves are used as an ingredient in cough syrups and expectorants and help to mobilize mucus in bronchitis and asthma.

Treatment of Sore Throat

A concoction made by boiling basil leaves in water can be taken as a drink or used for gargling to get relief from sore throat.

Heal Stings and Bites

Chewing a basil leaf or applying the juice of basil leaves on the area stung or bitten by an insect will help relieve the pain as well as draw the venom out.

Beneficial for Children

The juice of basil leaves is extremely beneficial in case of common pediatric such as cough, cold, diarrhea and vomiting. Basil leaves taken with saffron hasten the appearance of chicken pox pustules. Children experiencing loose motion at the time of tooth eruption can be given a mixture of pomegranate juice and powder of dried basil leaves for quick relief.

Relief from Frequent Vomiting

If you are suffering from frequent vomiting, you can try having a mixture of basil leaves juice, ginger juice and honey for immediate relief.

Relieve Stress and Sharpen the Mind

Basil leaves are considered as an ‘adaptogen’ or anti-stress agent. Chewing around 12 basil leaves twice a day on a regular basis purifies your blood, prevents stress and develops a sharp mind.

Beneficial in Cancer

Having a mixture of 10 grams of juice of basil leaves in 20-30 grams fresh curd or 2-3 spoons of honey religiously is likely to cure cancer.

Aid in Weight Loss and Curb Laziness

Basil leaves taken with home-made fresh curd help in reducing excess weight and fight laziness by renewing your energy levels and facilitating new blood cells formation.

Beneficial for Eyes

Being rich in vitamin A, basil leaves play an important role in eye health. You can soak a few basil leaves in water and wash your eyes with them every morning and before going to bed to prevent conjunctivitis, swelling, inflammations, boils and other infections. Basil leaves act as relaxants for your eyes to sooth stress induced fine lines. Chewing a couple of basil leaves helps to ward off eye problems caused by free radicals such as vision degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Basil leaves juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness.
 Dental Health
Basil leaves can be dried in the sun, powdered and used for brushing teeth or mixed with mustard oil to be used as toothpaste for maintaining dental health and massaging the gums. It is also effective in curing pyorrhea and other teeth disorders. The anti-bacterial agents in basil leaves prevent bacteria build up whereas the antioxidants ensure clean plaque free teeth.

Help to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath can be detrimental to your self-confidence. Basil leaves can be a healthy substitute to special toothpastes and chewing gums to ward off bad breath. You can chew a handful of basil leaves to prevent bad breath.

Helpful in Quitting Smoking

Chain smokers can try chewing basil leaves to get rid of their addiction. These can be more beneficial than nicotine patches, flavored gum or even plain candy to curb the urge. While the juice has a cooling effect on your throat, the chewing will distract you and the antioxidants will repair the damage caused due to years of smoking.

 Treatment of Kidney stones

The juice of basil leaves taken with honey regularly for 6 months will expel kidney stones from the urinary tract.

Relief from Headache

Basil leaves are considered a great medicine for headache. A facial steam of dried basil leaf is effective in alleviating headache. For this purpose, add a tablespoon of dried basil leaves to 2 cups of water in a large pot. Covering your head with towel, carefully lean over the pot and breathe in the steam for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also apply pounded basil leaves mixed in sandalwood paste on your forehead to get relief from heat and headache as well as cooling effect in general.

Treatment of Respiratory Disorders

A decoction of basil leaves with honey and ginger is a natural remedy for respiratory disorders like bronchitis, asthma, cough and cold. A decoction made by boiling basil leaves and cloves in half a liter of water mixed with salt gives immediate relief in case of influenza.

Good for Heart

Basil leaves purify the blood by removing toxins. Basil leaf tea helps in controlling blood pressure. Basil leaves contain an antioxidant eugenol that helps in reducing cholesterol levels and blood glucose levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and other cardiac diseases.

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